Preparation of nutritious dehydrated snacks based on vegetables (sweet potato, cassava, potato, common beet, carrot) and their sensory and bromatological analysi
snacks, bromatological analysis, sensory analysis , dehydrated, formulationsAbstract
This research consists on the elaboration of dehydrated nutritious snacks based on tubers and vegetables (sweet potato, yucca, potato, beet and carrot). Each step of the process of the raw materials has been detailed according to their characteristics, since they have differences in chemical composition, texture and shape; each one needs a different process prior to dehydration. Four formulations were made for the evaluation of the texture, flavor, odor, color and appearance of the snack by a Sensorial Analysis, this analysis had the participation of a panel of untrained judges who selected formula number 2 of the four that were presented (with lemon and salt) and then a Friedman Test was performed, this test is the non-parametric alternative of the Block Design, which details the averages of the results obtained, in addition, a Bromatological Analysis was performed to the test that received the highest acceptance after the Sensorial Analysis was carried out. The results of these analyses showed that the level of protein and dietary fiber in a 100 g was high.
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