Use of shrimp (Litopenaeus Vannamei) byproducts for the development of a seafood seasoning


  • Karen Mariela Martínez-Villeda Trabajador Independiente
  • Liliana Madaí Morales-Ramos Trabajador Independiente
  • Milady Alejandra Gutiérrez Trabajador Independiente


Seafood seasoning, by-products, shrimp


The general objective is to develop a seafood seasoning from shrimp waste, serving as a substitute for conventional seasonings. For this purpose, a quality elaboration process was carried out to obtain shrimp head, shell and tail meal, which was added together with a series of spices to give rise to three formulations of the seafood seasoning. Prior to its use in sensory analysis, the seafood seasoning was subjected to a microbiological analysis to determine if it was fit for human consumption, obtaining favorable results. Subsequently, the three prepared formulations of the seafood seasoning were subjected to a sensory analysis with a number of untrained panelists to determine the degree of acceptance. It was determined that the most accepted formulation was the one containing 35 % flour. Consequently, this formulation was subjected to a second sensory analysis with new untrained panelists to evaluate the attributes of the seafood seasoning through a satisfaction test. In addition, a bromatological analysis was carried out to determine the nutritional value of the final product.    


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How to Cite

Martínez-Villeda, K. M., Morales-Ramos, . L. M., & Gutiérrez, M. A. (2023). Use of shrimp (Litopenaeus Vannamei) byproducts for the development of a seafood seasoning. Izote Journal, 2(1), 47–58. Retrieved from


